Quality Club Initiative - The Process for Doing Things Better

Continuous improvement is critical for each club in order to sustain membership participation, fellowship and growth.  Without continuously improving how we do things clubs can become stale, which can create member frustration, reduced participation and eventually members leaving the club.

By understanding our current operation, identifying areas that may be improved and taking measured steps to accomplish our goals, every club can be even better!  The Club Quality Initiative provides five unique steps to initiate change.  They are listed below:

·       Understand the process of change and LCI Forward

·       Determine the need for change using critical assessments

·       Set Goals

·       Develop Plans

·       Implement and sustain change

Understand the Process of Change and LCI Forward

To understand the process of change, we need to have a glimpse of the future.  LCI Forward provides a strategic framework to help clubs to strive for excellence.  This plan was developed by the Long Range Planning Committee of the International Board of Directors and guided by the association’s vision statement “to be the global leader in community and humanitarian service”.  It is a platform for action that will help your club develop priorities to significantly expand humanitarian service, improve current operations, and pursue new ways to unite people in Lions’ service.

LCI can give us this vision, but it takes application at the club level to make the vision a reality.

Determine the Need for Change Using Critical Assessments

The assessments were designed to help club members determine possible areas of improvement and are focused on the areas featured in LCI Forward.  Each assessment includes a series of questions to help focus thought and guide discussion as well as resources designed to support club development.  The assessments can be completed as a group in a workshop setting or individually at home.  The assessments include:

·       Enhance Service Impact

·       Reshape Public Opinion and Improve Visibility

·       Pursue Club Organizational Excellence

·       Improve Member Value and Reach New Markets

Set Goals

Once the assessments have been discussed, the club will need to establish goals.  This will help the club determine priorities and will be the basis for future planning.  This exercise can also be completed individually and then discussed as a group to determine priorities.

 When setting goals, each one should be…

Specific - Goals should be as specific as possible to ensure that the objective is clear.

Measurable - Benchmarks and progress must be measurable. 

Actionable - Each goal must be achievable.

Realistic - Goals should be challenging but not unrealistic.

Time bound - Each goal should have a timeframe that outlines a schedule of progress.

Develop Plans

Once the goals are established, determine long and short-term priorities and assign goals to committees.  You may find some goals are easily assigned to a standing committee, while others may need special attention or the support of multiple committees.  For example, membership goals may be easily assigned to the Membership Committee while others, such as ensuring new member involvement, may involve several initiatives.  In some cases the formation of new committees may be needed.  In any case, encourage all club members to become involved in finding solutions.  Once goals are assigned, teams should meet to discuss the efforts and resources needed to accomplish the goals.

Implement and Sustain Change

Setting and achieving benchmarks – To keep plans moving forward, track the achievements of benchmarks.  Each benchmark should have an agreed upon deadline.  Regular status reports should be included in every club meeting until completion.  Remember to celebrate the benchmarks and the end success!

Change often results in more change.  During the implementation process new opportunities are often found that may be incorporated into new or existing plans.  Involve all club members in the process so they can contribute and be involved.

Tips for Effective Change: Change is a group activity.  Build commitment and enthusiasm for change by involving everyone from your new to the most senior member.  Everyone has a common interest in the success of the club.  Change should be celebrated.  Encourage members to celebrate milestones so members are inspired to continue.

Change can be a difficult process for some people because they are comfortable with what they already know.  Rather than calling it change, perhaps we can call it adjusting, improving or fine-tuning.  If the continuous improvement process is accomplished slowly, more members are apt to accept it and even become champions of it.  Once change has begun in your club, slowly continue the process and as time goes on, it will become easier as membership commitment increases.

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